Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"The relation you have to yourself is the first
and most important step to freedom.

It is when you are centered in yourself
that you really can give to others without expectations."


Good Morning,
Welcome a new day!
Today begin to think about your relationship with yourself. Yes, you are on the top of the list today!
You maybe having restless feelings of not being good enough or getting enough done in your daily life. Your mind maybe saying....I have to do more, sleep less, be more......
Your mind loves to juggle a number of unrelated ideas, thoughts, so that you may not be able to concentrate or allow it to become plagued with anxiety, worry, and stress..... All of this going on in the mind keeps you from feeling a sense of balance, peace, joy, and being centered!
Do you want to value yourself more? Then.....
Consider taking a break from your responsibilities. Engage yourself in some type of entertaining activities. This will help you channel your nervous energy by giving you an object or aim to focus your attention on. You may benefit from exercising your creativity, getting lost in a novel, or image this....hula hooping outdoors in the sun. Even a few minutes spent focused on a fun thing/ task today may help you let go of those thoughts that were causing you distress and worry. When your mind ceases turning, focusing your attention on " I should of...could of's...." you will reduce feelings of anxiety and quiet the mind. Our worries tend to be multi layered and can take our thoughts in way to many directions. So, today just engage in an entertaining pastime. What ever comes to mind.....go with it..... Have some fun....Blow bubbles, sit outdoors and enjoy the sun....
Treasure are very important.
Relax, rest and .....just be!
Many blessings, darlene

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